Our Curriculum

Play is our main inspiration. We are strong advocates of learning through play and letting children explore their environment to create their own learning experiences. At A Safe Place we use the Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies. The Creative Curriculum is a play, and project based learning curriculum that supports our teachers in creating and developing meaningful and developmentally appropriate lesson plans. Teaching Strategies includes digital tools that document the progress of children and is highly resourceful to teachers. Through the Creative Curriculum teachers provide the following daily activities in their lesson plans;

We also incorporate Farm to Childcare curriculum practices into our classrooms. We are passionate about ending food desserts in our community and in teaching children heathy habits. Therefore we use big part of our land to plant, grow, and harvest many of the vegetables or fruits we use in our meals. We allow the children to be part of this experience and we encourage them to explore our gardens everyday.

Playing outdoors is part of our curriculum. We believe our playground is more then a place to run, it is our Outdoor Learning Environment, and it is equipped to provide multiple learning experiences to our children. We will go outside everyday, even if it is for a few minutes. Playing in the rain and puddles is always encouraged and exploring bugs a necessity for our children.

Our Classrooms:

(Six Weeks to 12 Months)

We give you a safe and warm environment for your sensitive baby.

Infantinfancy can be one of the most fragile phases of human evolution or development. Most crucial things are discovered for their progress and growth. This program is specialized to meet the needs of your developing infant, assessing each of them physically, emotionally, and mentally. It is at this time when we make a careful observation of their learning insights, early skills, and developmental milestones. Our childcare professionals are designated to ensure babies receive the finest and expert care all throughout their stay at our center.

If you have questions or clarifications, feel free to get in touch with our on-call staff at 919-833-9330 or 919-899-3536. You may also send us a message of your recommendations.

(12 Months to Two Years)

We consider your little angel’s endeavors as part of a new learning experience.

Kids learn best if they are in an engaging and welcoming atmosphere. They have the ability to perceive things any other person of ages cant. In short, your little tots are innately talented and passionate. Looking after little bundles age one to two years old can be a bit tricky and challenging. They are active explorers and always interested to absorb what they sense as they venture out. In our childcare center, we have knowledgeable professionals who are trained in dealing with different child’s tantrums, impulses, or unexpected behavior. We have also prepared colorful visual materials and toys for your little ones.

For more information, you may call us at 919-833-9330 or 919-899-3536.

(24 months to 36 months)

It is a natural stage by which toddlers start to struggle between their dependence on adults and their self-desire for independence.

Two-year-old kids undergo major intellectual, motor, emotional, and social changes. Their mindset and vocabularies are continually growing. They become so interested to perform activities on their own while they start to discover certain rules to follow. It is at this point when one of the most colorful moments of childhood is experienced. However, most of them still aren’t capable of moving swiftly as they’d like to and find it difficult to communicate their needs and control emotions. This may lead to tantrums, misbehavior, or frustration. That is why we employ trained childcare professionals who are certified and who are able to manage and cope with common situations inside the center. We engage your kids in physical outdoor plays and games that have correlated real-life applications as we prepare them for school.

For inquiries, feel free to call us at 919-833-9330 or 919-899-3536. To book a tour, go to our Tour Our Facility page to learn more.

(36 months to 48 months)

As parents, it is a delight seeing our kids grow in aspects we desire them to acquire and to other things we did not expect them to have. Our preschool program is a self and peer-enhancing facet designed for kids’ readiness for school.

During this time, kids would love to bond with others around the circle, deeply curious, and would always long for answers to their questions. With this, we prepare a conducive space where children can freely do what they want as guided by discipline. The educational tools and materials we have in store are designed based on their learning capabilities, interest, and more. Enroll your child to us now and together, let’s make a difference for your child’s bright future.

Harvesting Collards

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We Change the Culture Here

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Examining & Sprouting Seeds

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Field Trip: Play and Learning Settings

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Weeding, Planting, & Watering

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Broccoli-Trees You Can Eat!

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